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Top: Games: Video Games: Genres: Roleplaying: Rogue-like: Angband  (73)

Sangband  (6)
Zangband  (8)

Thangorodrim - The Angband Page   - The official site. Includes information about variants, downloads, a guide for new players, development pages, and screenshots.

Angband - Source and binary downloads, and a history, of Zceband, along with enhancements for Angband and variants.
Angband - The former official page of this RPG, created by Ben Harrison, the maintainer of Angband 2.7.0 through 2.8.X. Old news, information and downloads.
Angband/64 - Downloads, links, version history and platform support information for this Angband variant.
Angband Bonanza - Downloadable binaries of Angband 2.8.3, Omega, Sangband 0.9.4, and Zangband 2.1.0, for the RISC OS platform.
Angband Borg - Downloads and buglist for an automated Angband player created by Dr. Andrew White.
The Angband Borg - Information about the original automated Angband player.
The Angband Comic - A series of three picture comic strips.
Angband FAQ Part One - Non-spoilers section of the Angband FAQ.
Angband FAQ Part Two - Spoilers section of the Angband FAQ.
The Angband Graphics and Ideas Page - Includes replacement tiles, and a collection of ideas for changes to the game.
Angband Ideas Resource - Includes a collection of ideas for changes to Angband, character files, news, and information about the variant, Sciband.
Angband Links - A collection of links for the game, its variants and the patches available.
The Angband Newbie Guide - Details of how to get started, and how to progress, in the game. Also includes a summary of variants.
Angband Variant Ports - Downloadable binaries of Bleeding Edge Angband, MJBand, DvEband, and Tangband, for the RISC OS platform.
Angband Variants Page - Centred around the Amiga, but relevant to other platforms. Includes information about many variants, and includes links to download them.
Angband with SDL - Details of the Simple DirectMedia Layer module, with source code and compilation instructions. - Offers full-text search of sources, edit and help files, searchable monster and artifact spoilers, jokes, and downloads, for Angband and a selection of variants.
Brian's Angband Crusade - Brief descriptions, and links to downloads, of Angband, ZAngband, KAngband, and RAngband, along with character profiles and histories.
Cat-and-the-Hack Angband - Description, list of differences the variant introduces, version history, source and binary downloads, and development information.
Cthangband - Includes Cthangband binary and source code downloads, along with an overview of the game.
Darin's Corner of the Web - Includes links to Mac binaries for Angband and variants, and a guide to compiling it on that platform.
DrAngband - Details of the Angband variant with dragon races. Includes an explanation of the game, links to source and binary downloads, and a summary of plans for new features.
Easy Patch - Includes the patch for download, along with a summary of the extra commands it adds.
Easyband - Includes source and binary downloads, and version history.
EyAngband - List of differences the variant introduces, news, source and binary downloads, a known bug list, changelog, spoilers, and mailing list.
Glenn's Angband Page - Patch variant of Angband that allows the user creation of detailed unique levels.
Greg's Angband Page - GWAngband version information, news and downloads.
Greg's Random Angband Artifacts - Information on the development of a random artifact generator, includes source code to download.
Grundman's Ultimate Sound Collection - A collection of sound effects for use in AngbandTk, KAngbandTk, OAngbandTk, and ZAngbandTk, along with instructions for installing them.
Guide to the Angband Info Files - A short guide to the meaning of the items in the game info.txt files.
Ingband - Includes source code, a list of planned changes, and a summary of the differences between vanilla Angband and this variant.
Iso-Angband - Screenshots, downloads, and details of the isometric Angband variant.
Just Adventure: The Many Angbands - Description of Angband and several of its variants.
Justin C. Sherrill's BeOS Work - Includes a downloadable binary of Angband, for the BeOS platform.
Kamband - List of features, screenshots, and source download.
Kangband - News, source and binary downloads, and development information.
LAngband - Details of the Angband rewrite in Lisp. Includes an FAQ, technical documents, file descriptions, a to-do list, screenshots, and downloads.
Lumpy Angband - Includes a humorous summary of the game, a statistics program for savefiles, and a program to convert old macros to the new version.
Mac Angband Binaries - Links to binaries of Angband and variants, for the Macintosh platform.
Macintosh-Enhanced Angband - Includes source code and binary downloads, and development news, about the Macintosh Angband version with an enhanced user interface.
MAngband - Official site for the multi-player version of Angband. Includes source and binary downloads, news, an introduction to the game, and development information.
Máhanaxar - Includes a humour page warning of the effects of playing too much Angband, screenshots, a monsters poll, and character dumps.
MJBand - Includes source and binary downloads, a changelog, and spell descriptions.
My Angband Page - Includes a download and explanation of the author's autosquelch patch, along with pre-patched executables.
Oangband - Official development site. Includes source and binary downloads, a guide to the source, version history, and a list of known bugs.
PernAngband - Official site, with mailing list, source and binary downloads, changelog, list of known bugs, spoilers, and links.
The Pits of Angband - A history and description of Angband and Zangband. Includes links to the sites of other variants.
The Poet's Unofficial Angband Page - Includes an overview of the game, information for Macintosh players, and a newbie guide. FAQ - FAQ posted weekly to the Angband newsgroup.
SBFband - Source and binary downloads.
Tarael's Sillyband Crap-o-Rama - Includes a link to the Sillyband source, a history of the game, and a list of proposed features.
The Typical Angband Page - Includes character dumps, screenshots, and a savefile contest.
Unnamed Angband - Includes project plan, FAQ, and a discussion board.
VaultMania - A collection of additional vaults for Angband and variants.
Vlad's Angband Page - Two screenshots, and links.
The Worst Angband Page in the World - Includes the Angband Companion available for download, a free utility for 32-bit Windows versions of Angband, that automatically backs up your savefile as you play.
Yahoo! Groups: iso-angband - Discussion board for the isometric variant, including a files section with binary and source downloads, screenshots, and tiles. Free membership required to read and participate.
Zceband - Includes source and binary downloads, description, and history.

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See also:
  Arts: Literature: Genres: Fantasy: Authors: T: Tolkien, J.R.R.  (246)
  Computers: Software: Freeware: Games: Roleplaying  (17)
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